Solid waste management and recycling are the direction of the future. We’ll help you to get a head start.
Regulatory directions and public opinion are placing increased emphasis on solid waste management and recycling issues. Industries, consumers, and government entities are being forced to evaluate their solid waste management practices and increase the extent of their source reduction, recycling/resource recovery programs, and procurement of products with recovered materials.
In most states, its counties are required to develop integrated solid waste management plans (ISWMPs). County plans sometimes include, but do not provide a detailed assessment of solid waste management. The process of developing the ISWMP requires a thorough evaluation of all aspects of solid waste management, resulting in meaningful planning and goal setting. That’s where we come in.
SUMA Consulting LLC helps you to create an integrated solid waste management plan for your business in line with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's pollution prevention (P2) hierarchy, which includes (in preferential order) source reduction, recycling, treatment, and disposal.
This includes but is not limited to the following waste: regulated medical, chemotherapy, universal, radiological, pharmaceutical, hazardous, food, and etc.
us today to get started.
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